Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Well, what a  fun week it was last week! Our topic was Preparing for Marriage. Let's just say I was excited to talk about this, hahaha. Being 20-years-old, I am looking more at what I want in a husband. My sister-in-law was 20 when she got married, so it makes me more aware of how real it can be to get married at my age.
We talked about the difference between hanging out and hooking up, what's important in a date, how our dating habits leads to the kind of marriage we want or end up with, and so on. For Wednesday's reading, we had to read the chapter in our textbook titles Falling In Love. With discussions involving this topic and dating, I kept reflecting on a relationship I was sort-of involved in. We weren't officially boyfriend and girlfriend, but he's been the closest thing so far, since I've never had a boyfriend. In the end I was heartbroken because he still had feelings for his last ex, and realized he wasn't ready to move on. I think back and look at his qualities, and he didn't really have anything that would work for me; he's not a return missionary either, and he's not quite ready yet to go (this he told me). I knew the signs and was warned to watch out, but I didn't pay attention and ignored them.
I came out of it knowing that I made a mistake (and putting him out of my life), but used it as a learning process. Even though I haven't been on any dates since (not by choice), and coming up to school, I am careful about the guys around me, watching for those qualities that I do and don't want; I don't want to end up in a bad relationship again. I know guys from back home that have good qualities that have gotten my attention, and I see guys with their girlfriends/wives, and when I see courteous behavior, I think how lucky they are.
I feel that I am more prepared for the next step, and felt that I could handle it the longer I've been here, having to live on my own, take care of myself, take on many responsibilities, and so forth. When the right guy comes into my life, I know the Lord will let me know that he will be the one for me, and that He will be with me as I move on to the next phase in my life.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

We had quite a lesson this week about gender roles and the sensitive topic of gay/lesbian people. Since my post in our discussion board has a lot of feeling and is a bit personal, I decided to post that tonight, since it sums up my feelings pretty well. Enjoy!
"With the discussion of gender roles, it made me think of my family and how my parents have worked things out. My dad has always beem the working one. But after losing his job, and having tough times to follow within the next 2-3 years, my mom stepped up and went to work part time, then full time for a while when we were in financial trouble. After my dad was able to secure work, my mom continued to work, but only part time so that she could be home with us, and has been working ever since. My parents have been able to work together to support the family, and still make time for us kids.
I also have two older brothers and a younger sister, and I looked a lot up to my older brothers. I wanted to do things they were doing, and I did some of those things, but I still enjoyed the girl things. And when someone says that we should make boys more like girls and vice versa makes me thinks that they do not understand what they're saying. If kids are going to get into things that the opposite gender is into, is not because something is wrong with them. I think is comes down to personality, interests, and choice. And, we are the gender we are for a reason, and with that comes responsibilities that we were meant to have. It's okay for men to be softhearted and gentle without having to act feminine and gay, and women can be tough without having to come off as lesbian. We may be into different things for both genders, but that doesn't take away who we are naturally when it comes to supporting a family. Dad's can be playful and nuturing, as did my dad. He played a lot with me and my siblings growing up, and it meant a lot to all of us and is some of our fondest memories of him. Yet, he is strong and protective, naturally."

Monday, February 4, 2013

This is a little last, but last week we talked about culture diversity and social class. We were asked to reply in a discussion board on whether we thought cultures were equal. Since not everyone can see what I write in my assignment, I can tell you that I do believe that cultures are equal. They all have their own set of rules and morals that they follow that help establish who they are. For me, being LDS, not every culture has things that I would agree with, but my culture for me is being a member of the church. I have reccommendations and commandment that I am expected to follow as a faithful member, and for me, I've found it easier to live as I have gotten older. I have learned to appreciate it more, and I understand what I am living and why I am doing it.
With social class, people tend to identify themselves and others in social class, based off of money, posessions, and how they live. It's really sad when people have to live in what is known as the lower class, and they just accept it and think that nothing is going to change. We sae this is a short video of a woman and her kids. They live in a worn out moblie home, with garbage everywhere, no friends over, and such. The kids they talked to the most said he's embarrased by the way he lives, and how his mother just accepts it and think nothing will change. He shouldn't feel this way, and the mother should be able to provide for her family properly and try to make a difference to improve her way pf living, especially for her children. With rich people, they don;t always think of themselves as upper class and think that "too much" is not enough. For example, if a family has a 5000-square-foot house, and they have a kid, they think it's not enough space, so they either expand or move to a larger house. You don't always need a lot of space just because you have a lot of money.